Thursday, January 26, 2012

Do publishing companies still accept manuscripts written in pencil?

I mean, what if you don't have a computer? I don't like typing mine up. I prefer writing them, the way authors did way back then, you know?Do publishing companies still accept manuscripts written in pencil?
Sorry, but they won't accept hand written manuscripts. You need to get it typed up onto a computer, not a typewriter as a lot of the editing stages are done by emailing copies back and forth between editor and author, with corrections and suggestions marked on. They usually ask for an electronic copy if they contract the book.

If you don't have a computer, then local libraries have them that can be used by the public, or a friend might be able to let you use theirs.Do publishing companies still accept manuscripts written in pencil?
Unfortunately, it's all computer now.

I like writing them out first too. But I also go back and type them, which is why I bothered to learn to type. My grandpa only handwrites things and so hires me to type out the completed manuscripts. But I don't work cheep even for relatives. It's best just to learn to type.

I had a teacher who taught me to touch type in the most cruelest way possible, but highly effective. She built this cardboard stand which she put over the keyboard so you couldn't see your hands. And then you'd just type. Do this for 30 minutes a day for less than 6 weeks and you'll be an incredably fast touch typist. This also helped me get my job.

If you don't have a computer, you can use internet cafe's but be warned that a lot of those have viruses, and you might want to be careful. Best just to save your pennies and buy your own.Do publishing companies still accept manuscripts written in pencil?
If you don't have a computer (which clearly you do or you have access to one) then you hire someone to type it for you. And trust me, a publisher and/or agent will not care if you don't like typing it in Word. If you lack the professionalism and seriousness to submit your manuscript the way it's expected then don't count on getting published any time soon.
You need it typed up. What if they can't read your handwriting?

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