Monday, January 30, 2012

I am curious!How good is ones chance to convince the publishing companies to publish a book with needs?

to be translated from Russian into English. What do you think about it???I am curious!How good is ones chance to convince the publishing companies to publish a book with needs?
Generally, a publishing house will tend to select works that have a high chance of attaining maximum profit, while at the same time keeping editing costs relatively low. For a book to be translated, for example, a publisher will have the additional cost of hiring a translator, and then having someone sift through the numerous errors that will undoubtedly occur. So, really, it is not in their interest to translate; however, many great books are translated, and it is worth the additional costs when the reader can experience works from people of different cultures and ideologies. For example, I recently read a book from Germany; it was a bestseller over there, likewise in Australia.

In short, I do not mean to dishearten you. If your book has genuine merit, you have just as much chance at being published. If you really are worried, perhaps you could look into translating it yourself, either through your personal knowledge of english, or a friend who has a particularly good grasp on both Russian and English. If worst comes to worst, you could always pay someone to translate. But, remember, these are all last resorts; this should be the option of a publishing house.

If only more Russian books were translated! The Strugatsky brothers are good, and Russian, but have been translated due to popularity. It's all up to you, as the writer, to work you writing to the best of your ability and to see where it gets you.

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