Monday, January 30, 2012

Does anyone have any good recommendations on publishing companies?

You mean, how to get a book published or how to get a job there? Either way, get hold of the Literary Marketplace (LMP)--a reference book they should have at your local library. It will list the names of editors who work there, and it will give you information on how each company likes to have work submitted. Literary agents are also listed, as well as book production companies, etc. Writer's Market is also a good source. I've worked in publishing, and it is almost impossible to get anything looked at without an agent. Unsolicited manuscripts end up in the "slush pile," usually fobbed off on lowly assistants who don't have time to read most of it, anyway. I don't mean to discourage you, but it's really, really hard to get published.Does anyone have any good recommendations on publishing companies?
Hi, we need more information to answer this question. A publisher who publishes poetry isn't the same one who's going to publish a text book in math. I am a publisher and would be happy to help if you re-ask the question with more specifics.Does anyone have any good recommendations on publishing companies?
Whoever it is who's responsible for printing The Sun newspaper in Britain. If they'll print that, they'll print anythingDoes anyone have any good recommendations on publishing companies?
I'm using Publish America

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