If it is less than novel length (officially novels start at 40,000 words, but these days, most novels start at 80,000 words), visit http://www.duotrope.com . It gives address and submission requirements for hundreds of magazines that publish short fiction.
If it is intended as a novel,
Finish your story (obvious, I know).
Type it in proper manuscript form (http://www.writersdigest.com has the details on what is needed).
Edit it many times to make it as good as it can be. Put it away, and don't even think about it, for a month or two, then take it out and do more editing.
Get it proofread by someone who knows what they are doing (do not rely only on spellcheck).
There are very few publishers who accept unsolicited manuscripts (those that don't go through a literary agent), so getting an agent is a good idea.
When your manuscript is finished and edited, come back here and ask about how to get an agent. You can also use the search-bar at the top of this page and ask. It's a very popular question.How can I get my book published by an actual publishing company?
Find an author with a similar genre to yours, in fact several authors and find out who their agents are. Write letters to as many agents as possible asking if they would like to view your manuscript and if you get a positive reply then send out a sample of your book.
Then wait for around 6 months for a reply. If they like it they will write back asking for the full text of the novel and you may be in business. If they decide to take you as a client then they'll find the right publisher for you.
Look up this site for extensive info: http://www.writersandartists.co.uk/
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