Thursday, February 9, 2012

What are the best self publishing companies that gives Authors every thing included in there packages?

Self publishing companies do not provide everything, that's the difference between self publishing and traditional publishing. When you self publish, you are the publisher.

Some vanity presses will do all the layout and printing for you as well as some basic editing and make it available on their storefront and possibly on Amazon. This however, is only a limited means of distribution and is not real marketing. Many people who purchase such vanity press packages never recoup the money they spent.

Self publishing means you are the publisher. You must do all the layout, editing, marketing and distribution and must make your book available at a competitive price. Hiring someone else to do it will likely kill your profit margin. My belief is that in most cases, if you don't have the skills to self publish, you shouldn't pay others. Either do the work yourself or find a traditional publishing company.What are the best self publishing companies that gives Authors every thing included in there packages?
Most of the self-publishing companies are scams. They are called vanity press and they will publish anything you send them - but it will cost you. You will pay for editing, you will pay for art work, you will pay and pay. And when you finally get your book, you will also pay for marketing - and you will discover that very few bookstores will let you put a self-published book on their shelves, so you will wind up with a basement full of books,. You can give them to friends and family for Christmas - but that's about all you can do with them.What are the best self publishing companies that gives Authors every thing included in there packages?
Self-publishing companies?

I hope you aren't talking about vanity presses (AuthorHouse / iUniverse / Xlibris / PublishAmerica / Strategic Book Publishing, etc.), because they don't "give the author" anything. You pay full freight, and you sell maybe 75 copies (if you work your tail off).

If you're planning to genuinely self-publish (that's where you do everything, and you own everything including the ISBN), for ebooks there's smashwords, and for paper books there's

You'll still sell only 75 copies (if you work your tail off), but you'll spend less and you won't be splitting the income with anyone.What are the best self publishing companies that gives Authors every thing included in there packages?
Not there, it's their. Their is a possessive pronounce. For example, their car or their packages.
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